Cheeky Chipmunk Lesson Plan

What We Are Learning


Science Focus:



Vocabulary Theme Words:

autumn, hibernation







  • Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman is a hibernation classic! Have children snore along with the bear as you read. Then read the issue to learn about another animal that hibernates—a chipmunk! text pairing

Dramatic Play: Build a Hibernation Nest

Materials: large cardboard box, blankets, pillowsIn this activity, children practice cutting, taping, and wrapping and unwrapping presents.

  • Children can pretend to be chipmunks in a cozy burrow, while you build in some quiet time.
  • Cut a large hole in the side of a box. The hole should be big enough for a child to crawl through. Have children put pillows and blankets inside.
  • Then children can pretend to be chipmunks hibernating in a burrow. Offer quiet activities for the children to do in the burrow, like looking through books with a flashlight.
  • As a fun extension, build a network of burrowing tunnels. Connect multiple boxes by matching up the holes in the sides of boxes and then taping them together. imagination
Example of painted acorns

Materials: acorns, paint, paintbrushes, water, individual containers for collecting acorns

  • This art project/ scavenger hunt reinforces what children learned about chipmunks.
  • If possible, have children go outside and collect acorns. If not, bring in acorns yourself.
  • Put acorns, paint, and paintbrushes out on tables. Have children paint the acorns. Let the acorns dry overnight.
  • The next day, hide the acorns around the playground or your classroom. Give each child a container. Then they can pretend to be chipmunks finding acorns before hibernation.
  • When all of the acorns are collected, put them in a sensory bin. Allow children to explore further. art/fine motor/gross motor